First Day of School

I can't believe my baby started school today! 

While I am training to become a Montessori guide (Primary, ages 3-6), Hunter is attending the Toddler Program at a Montessori school here in San Diego. We visited the school yesterday for open house, and Hunter just loved his classroom. It is such a beautiful environment, and we are so happy with our choice. We met only one of his teachers, and she is just the sweetest, most gorgeous teacher I've ever seen. I think he will be in love soon, considering how much this kid is already a ladies' man!

Drop off is basically pulling up to the school and allowing one of the teachers to take your baby out of the car seat and carry him inside to his classroom. The look on his face! He didn't cry, but he looked so confused. My hands were shaking and my stomach was doing somersaults, but I know he is in good hands and will have a wonderful time. If there's anyone who needs to be brave about this whole going to school thing, it's me!

P.S. Obviously, I had to take several photos to get a good one (i.e. smiling not frowning, OK lighting, and not blurry). These attempts involved changing positions from one side of the door to the other and moving the chalkboard sign around. The result was a grumpy Hunter. ;)


  1. Oh, Hunter is soooo sweet!!!
    And what about the 0-3 Montessori environment?! Samuel also started school this past Tuesday and I have the opportunity to be with him in the classroom for the settling-in period :-D
    Hunter has certainly started his school life with the right foot, and I wish you a wonderful and enriching Montessori training!

    1. Hi, Carla! The 0-3 environment at Hunter's school is just lovely. A small fish aquarium, large windows, wonderful teachers... we are very pleased! Congrats to Samuel! Do you stay with him in the classroom the whole day this week? Thanks for the sweet comments! xo

  2. Actually we both stayed for 30-40 min; I stayed put on a corner as he explored the classroom. We still have a couple more days of doing this until the first separation happens. I think the teacher is taking it slow because there are a lot of little ones starting together and she would just go crazy if they were all left there at once.

  3. He is so cute! What a proud mommy you must be!

  4. oh my goodness, he is so grown up! Yay Hunter!
    And you girl, wow, how cool that you are doing Montessori training! That's awesome!


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