I Support You

Have you heard about the "I Support You" movement? It's cool because it's all about NOT judging other parents for their parenting choices, especially when it comes to feeding our babies. Yes, I exclusively breastfeed Hunter, but I mostly feel BLESSED that it's worked out for us. I know many amazing mamas who love their itty bitties to pieces but breastfeeding did not work out for them for one reason or another. I 100% believe you have to do what's right for the whole family, and sometimes formula feeding is it. I think there is no shame in feeding your baby formula just as I think there is no shame in full-term breastfeeding (as in continuing the breastfeeding relationship as long as baby wants to, usually past infancy). Read more messages of support here, and spread the word if you support other parents, too! ;)

P.S. Check out this silly post. Who knew Ryan Gosling was a lactivist? hehe.

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Maira G.