Tent Camping in South Lake Tahoe

For years, I'd heard, "It's so beautiful there. You've got to see it." And we kept saying, someday, someday. Well, someday finally came, and Lake Tahoe definitely lived up to its reputation. 

Tent camping was a wonderful way to see this wilderness by the lake. It was everything you'd imagine: waking up to blue jays chirping, sipping tea in the cool of the morning surrounded by pine trees, being disconnected from the world with no mobile phone reception, and discussing what relaxing thing we'd do with our day. 

Despite hand-washing cloth diapers (just for overnights -- we used these 'sposies during the day), cooking on a camp stove with ingredients that required no refrigeration (other campers cooked by the fire, but for us that would have been too much of a production with the baby, and many brought coolers, but we didn't want to deal with getting ice every day), and you know, sleeping on the ground in a tent with a teething baby, our five days at D.L. Bliss State Park truly felt like a vacation. We enjoyed beach days, a hike, lots of lounging, and even a day trip to Isaiah's hometown.

Perhaps we will make this trip a yearly tradition. Something that Hunter can look forward to every summer. Until next time, Lake Tahoe. Keep Tahoe Blue!


  1. Your pictures are perfect and it looks like Hunter had fun too with the exception of getting wet in the lake. He hated that.

  2. ahhh! love the pics! how was sleeping in a tent with the baby????

  3. awww, what lovely photos!! the scenery looks spectacular!

    1. Thanks! I highly recommend visiting Lake Tahoe!

  4. seriously cutest baby ever!!!!!
    Xo Courtney Q ||


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