Zum Essen und Trinken

Just because Lauren (a.k.a. Sister) couldn't do her skydive last Thursday due to cloudy weather over Interlaken, we couldn't go snowboarding over the weekend because none of the nearby resorts were yet open, and she didn't even get to see the first snowfall in our town (which she missed by a few hours since she left early this morning), doesn't mean we didn't have a great time together.

Plus, I'm sure that our warm hospitality, not to mention her other Euro travels before meeting up with us, more than made up for any disappointments in Switzerland. Later this week, I'll post about what we did during her four-day visit, but today I wanted to post a few pictures of the recurring theme of our long weekend: FOOD!

Every morning we recreated a European breakfast buffet with bread rolls, butter, jams, meats, cheeses, nutella, yogurt, juice, coffee, tea, and treats from the local bakery. Lunches were everything from Olma sausages to Döner Kebap to Bavarian fare. For dinner we ate raclette, Thanksgiving food, and Thanksgiving leftovers. Snacks: cheese, bread, and chocolate -- what else? (Oh yeah, and Zweifel Paprika chips.) To drink: Glühwein, Rivella, and BIER, of course!

The conversation at every meal? Always about food. Usually about some amazing taco shop in San Diego that we're missing out on. Thanks.

Thanksgiving Friday
Our Thanksgiving menu: Rollschinkli cooked with fresh pineapple, Cornish game hens basted with apple cider and brown sugar (Sister smuggled in some C&H dark and golden brown sugars for us!), raisin and leek classic stuffing, rosemary mashed potatoes and homemade gravy, cranberry sauce with port and cinnamon sticks, green bean and mushroom casserole with French's fried onions (also thanks to Sister), candied yams (topped with Kraft mini marshmallows), and raspberry cobbler for dessert.

Raclette Saturday
"Put that camera away and let us enjoy our raclette dinner!" (After having a raclette lunch with some bona fide Swiss people recently, who offered a full spread in addition to the traditional elements of a raclette meal, I feel quite justified that we have never eaten just pickles, potatoes, and raclette alone, as some purists believe one should eat raclette.) Our meal was complete with Alp and Pfeffer Raclette cheeses, boiled potatoes, cornichons, as well as raw onions and bacon that we grilled on the top part of our raclette machine.

Sausage and Beer Sunday
In Munich at the Hofbräuhaus, which Sister kept thinking I was calling "the Operahouse," we enjoyed 1 liter beers.

And... cheers to Sister who is officially a homeowner (and became one while on vacation)! We're so proud of you!


  1. Swiss food never looked so good when I was there! You're jelous of my Mexican restaurants, I'm jealous of your endless feasts!

  2. I love the title of your blog... great post and photos of your Thanksgiving feast and Raclette meal. Do they really have beer mugs that large? =)

  3. Hey Fly Girl - don't be fooled. We don't normally have such feasts. We really only go all out when we have guests in town!

    HotTamale - Thanks! Glad you stopped by. I saw your posts on raclette. I have to say, I don't remove the rind because it's my favorite part. It gets all crispy under the heat of the raclette machine. YUM!

    And, yes, the mugs are that big. One LITER of beer!


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