Badi Time

Whether it's a dip in the Rhine, one of the lakes, or a public swimming pool, the Swiss certainly treasure their Badi time. After all, it lasts just one short season, so it's important to take advantage of the many outdoor bathing opportunities available in Switzerland. 

I must admit, when it comes to bathing, I come from a pretty spoiled background that includes spending summers boogie boarding in the Pacific and playing Marco Polo all year long in outdoor swimming pools. Where I come from, going to the beach means going to where the ocean meets the shore. So, it has been quite an adjustment going to the Strandbad (literally "beach bath") and finding a grassy area near some body of freshwater.

Mind you, the grass is always lush and the area well kempt and manicured. The snack bar is well stocked and toilet facilities are clean, which is more than I can say for some San Diego area beaches. Plus, a swim in the Bodensee on a hot summer's day has been one of my most memorable experiences since moving to Switzerland. Besides enjoying the water's refreshing temperature, I appreciate that I didn't arrive home with sand trapped in my swimming suit, lips raw from salt water, or funky smelling hair. Although I appreciate this new-to-me bathing culture, I'm not sure I'll ever grow accustomed to it. I miss the crashing waves and the smell of ocean water in the sticky air.

The other reason why I'm not sure I'll ever get accustomed to Swiss Badi culture is the fact that I have somehow managed to let almost the entire Badi season pass me by with only a few trips to the beach. I've even just now discovered an outdoor public swimming pool not far from my house, but there are only two weeks left in the season. Where has the summer gone?

In the photograph you can see that I took Al (and Little L, not pictured) to the Badi in Langwiesen ZH, which is along the Rhine. I'm not sure how anyone went swimming in the river that day because the water was freezing!


  1. For me who almost never had the luxury of a real sandy beach nearby, bathing in the lakes and public pools has been great!

  2. Don't get me wrong, Carla. I agree with you - swimming in the lakes is great! I hope my post doesn't sound negative toward the badi culture. I think public bathing places here are clean, safe, and fun - I am very impressed! I just wanted to point out that I am used to something sooo different. Swimming in the ocean, which is a luxury for others, was just another part of my childhood - I know I'm lucky I was born so close to the Pacific.


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