Lust auf Kino?

A text message I received Saturday night: "Hallo Amanda, habt ihr heute abend lust auf kino in FK? (cinema in FK tonight?)" Signed F.

At that moment, F's SMS made me smile for a couple of reasons:
a) She is desperately trying to make me practice German, but offers a translation just in case I don't understand what she's asking me.
b) Isaiah and I did feel like seeing a film that evening, especially because we had yet to visit a movie theater since moving abroad.

We finished up dinner and headed across the border to Feldkirch, Austria (about a half hour drive away). We arrived at R's place and chit chatted a bit before the movie was scheduled to begin. I was really looking forward to seeing this film ("Vicky Cristina Barcelona") after having read a synopsis on Wikipedia. After a five minute walk to the city center, we arrived at the local movie house. Much to our disappointment, the film was in fact not going to play in the original version with German subtitles, but rather the dubbed-in-German version.

"But there must be some mistake," R pleaded with the clerk. "I checked the Internet listing and it said original version."

"Yes, I am sorry. We ordered the original version, but what we received was the dubbed version."


Double Rats! This was not the first time we walked away from a movie. The first time, the movie house did indeed have the original version of the film we wanted to see, but the original version was in Hebrew. Not going to happen.

With no plan B, we had to be a little spontaneous. So, F suggested we take a night hike up to the fortress of Tisis. (Doesn't it sound like we should be in some children's fantasy novel?) Back at R's flat, we added extra layers of clothing, and F packed some marshmallows and blankets.

Equipped with a lantern and a flashlight, we made our way to the fortress. I think I struggled the most on the way up (in my defense, I was borrowing boots that were a tad bit too big for me). The snow was pretty icy, so I had a few slips and falls. Also, R was determined to scare the kacki out of me, but he didn't succeed. I've never really been afraid of the dark, plus Isaiah was behind me with a hatchet. Once at the top, the men went to gather firewood, and F and I sat on a bench and talked about Pangaea and melanin. (Look at mein Mann hard at work!)

The boys started a lovely fire and we warmed our tushes and drank glühwein from a thermos (or "glow wine" as R calls it, which is the literal English translation). Not bad for an unplanned plan B.

Here I am slipping and sliding, "Stop laughing and help me already!"

1 comment

  1. We were just talking about Vicky Cristina Barcelona in the teacher's lounge. It's like you are with us, but in a different country. I hope you get to see it another time, everyone was saying how great it is. -Katie


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