The Queso Suizo Project: Le Gruyère (Salé)

Gruyère is produced from cows' milk in the French-speaking region of Switzerland. It’s one of the cheeses that Isaiah and I pick up at the Migros supermarket on a regular basis. I believe it has such a distinct flavor that if you were to blindfold my eyes and give me a slice of Gruyère, I would certainly identify it as such. In jest, Isaiah calls it “magical,” but to me it really is heaven in cheese-form.

It is a hard cheese, so you can enjoy it grated or sliced. The texture is very similar to a wedge of parmesan or extra sharp cheddar, almost grainy. There are many varieties, but we tend to stick to the salé, or salty variety. According to wikipedia, its flavors can range from “sweet,” to “nutty,” to “earthy.”

Bottom line: Bold and sharp, just the way I like it.

About The Queso Suizo Project:

The Queso Suizo Project is an excuse for me to try a variety of Swiss cheeses and then describe my impressions of them. You’ll find out what I like, love, and think is just mediocre. Also, I will humbly attempt to express how the cheese tastes, but I am a firm believer that eating cheese is an ineffable experience. You just have to eat the cheese and experience it for yourself. My hope is that The Queso Suizo Project will help readers discover the assortment of cheeses available at Migros (or Coop), get an idea of what makes each cheese different from one another, and feel inspired to try new cheeses.


  1. You should go visit the town of Gruyere. A little of a tourist trap, but cool. At the cheese making museum/tour - you can try 3 different gruyere's ripened different lengths of time. The older - the nuttier. It is something I definately recommend!

  2. Oh! That sounds like my kind of tourist trap!


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